I love that I get to make people feel great about themselves as my job. I've always been interested in hair. And if we went to high school together there's a good chance I probably colored your hair at some point. It wasn't until my son Gavin was born though that I decided to go for it.
Fast forward almost 6 years later and I'm loving every part of the job I've created for myself! Upon finishing the cosmetology program from Empire Beauty School in Bloomington, MN I went on to do freelance hair & makeup for weddings before starting my salon career at Regis. I spent the next two years building my business and meeting some of the most amazing people, before taking the plunge to go out on my own.

I've been very lucky to find my passion and then being able to turn that into my work. Making people see the beauty that's inside them is the most amazing feeling. To learn from leaders in the industry that share this same feeling has been another huge blessing.
In all honesty most of the time I'm a topknot wearing mama trying to keep up with my kiddos and husband. And make them proud by following my dreams. This tends to include lots of coffee and from time to time wine.